Ylva's Story
What I brought home from IMWe

When I got home, totally down with the IMWe blues, I suddenly felt in need to put all this creative energy that I collected over the course of the last days to some good use. I had this cub scout weekend coming up half a year later that I had been asked to prepare - my motivation to do so had been rather low so far. But now I had again seen how amazing it can be to be part of a scouting event where some people invested lots of time and ideas to create something fun.
So I sat down and began to brainstorm! In search for a good theme I let myself be inspired by previous IMWe themes and chose to transform into Queen Universa and take these fifty kids on a cruise through space. Lots of weird creatures from outer space, my archenemy almost blowing up our space shuttle and a glorious fight against the mutinying alien crew let the weekend become a great success and lots of fun for the participants.
I attached a picture of Queen Universa and her crazy alien professor!