Workshops IMWe 2021
One of the benefits of an Online IMWe is that you can participate in multiple workshops!
Minecraft Theme Park
It´s the minecraft workshop and we´re going to build an awesome theme park!
Let´s be creative and build whatever we want. Rollercoasters or IMWe attractions like the „Icelandinc Shark Madness“ or whatever you can think of.
If you want to make up cool stuff and build the most awesome theme park - Join us!
If you still need minecraft ask around on our discord Server if anyone has an extra account to spare or purchase the Java Version on minecraft.net
Looking forward to building with you!
The Bakery
IMWe@Home shares the same (dis)advantage as Work@Home (or in German: HomeOffice), commuting is fast, but the food in the canteen...
You know, the workshops, the people, the basement, that's nice, but the true reason you come to IMWe year after year is the German bread. Don't miss that in 2021:
Welcome to the bakery!
Get the feeling of the culinary sensations of the international evening at home. Or at least one sensation: Bread! Let's bake some stuff and eat it before the end of IMWe.
Together we can swap recipes and meet for a daily show of what we get out of the oven. I can provide some recipes to start from, depending on your experience. We can bake with yeast or sourdough, and if you want, you can create your own sourdough during IMWe and bake something at easter.
Get some fresh (organic) yeast before IMWe starts (one small cube is enough), and a package of bread baking wheat flour (German Type 550, French T55 or T65, Italian Tipo 0) to start from. If you are into it, also get whole grain wheat flour (sometimes called Graham flour). You will need other basic stuff most kitchens already provide, like bowls, a scale, spatula, an oven...
IMPORTANT: We will meet for a first time already before the opening ceremony, on Sunday 28.3 at 19:30 Rieneck time on discord!
There's a World outside, but don't forget your supplies!
Click here for more information
Cooking show
You are a fan of Gordon Ramsay’s Hells Kitchen, Jamie Oliver’s Naked Chef or Lafer, Lichter Lecker? You think they are doing it wrong And you think you can do it more entertaining? You can’t cook but you like to tell others how to do it? You like to cook and try out new things with food? You want to share your favorite recipe? Then why not creating your own cooking show?
“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.” - Gordon Ramsay
Return of the Badgers
Do you have an impressive row of IMWe badges on your scout uniform? Don't want to leave a gaping hole there for the online years? Have no fear, the DIY IMWe Badge Workshop returns this year!
We will craft our very own IMWe badges using whatever handicraft techniques we want to try out. At the beginning of IMWe you will get a model and a few pattern variations of it, then it's up to you to knit, paint, model, print, embroider, bead, cut, stamp or bake your very own version of the badge! We will meet a couple of times during the week in a cozy voice chat, sharing ideas and show off our process on an online padlet-board.
New in 2021: Want to make more than one badge? Or are you too lazy or busy even to make one? We will set up an online "marketplace" where you can offer to send a badge to some other IMWe participant!
What do you need? Crafting supplies of your choice ;)
First meeting on Discord: Monday 29.3 at 19:30 Rieneck Time!
From William Morris to mandalas, from
Andy Warhol to learning to knoll, pop art, flat lay, paisley, fractals, symmetry and tessellation, this workshop will cover a range of patterns, natural and human designs.
We'll spend time looking for patterns around us, enjoying a range of art, and then drawing, designing and creating our own patterns.
No experience necessary, you are welcome whether you've never doodled before, or you're a amazing artist. We'll start from basics and then you can let your imagination run wild!
No special materials required, you just need a pen or pencil and paper, but if you want to go crazy with craft materials, that's also great!
All details for the workshop will be released on discord.
Needles and Thread
Can you remember your grandma sitting in a big rocking chair next to the fireplace doing handicraft? Maybe embroidery with really old fashioned stitching patterns? Or was she more the kind of lady, who sewed really old-fashioned clothes for you, that you even had to wear afterwards? Could these crafts be one of the critically endangered species? Not with Lisa and Josie! Come and try out different techniques and fancy patterns.
For beginners and professionals alike... a workshop to revive and learn the craft of embroidery and sewing. We will meet on most afternoons at 17:30 Rieneck Time to share some inspiration, exchange experiences but also to stitch and sew together. Whole-week projects as well as little workpieces are welcome in our online-workshop!
Even with basic sewing and / or embroidery sets you will be well set up for participation in the workshop. However, depending on what exactly you would like to create please look up and prepare the specific materials necessary.
Example of basic kits: